Язык, на котором поёт автор, не существует в реальном мире. / Саркицизм :: SCP СвОр (Связанные организации) :: SCP :: музыкальное видео :: фэндомы

музыкальное видео Саркицизм SCP СвОр ...SCP фэндомы 
Язык, на котором поёт автор, не существует в реальном мире. Тексты песен должны быть на финском диалекте адитита (Ämärangnä), вымышленного языка, на котором говорят саркические культы (Nälkä) во вселенной SCPF. Адитит во вселенной - это древнеуральский язык, родственный финскому, эстонскому и венгерскому языкам. В одном из видео есть русские субтитры.

[SCP Foundation / Sarkicism] Excerpt from Festive Nälkän Chant #01,Music,sarkic,scp,scp foundation,folk music,religious,conlang,horror,cult,karcist,grand karcist ion,As the title implies, this is a demo version. The melody of this is from a song I made from a original project long ago. At some point my obsessed impulsive brain decided I was going to make it a Sarkic song. (again) Edit for clarification on the "language": The language I am singing in does not "exist" in the real world. The lyrics are supposed to be in a dialect of Adytite(Ämärangnä), a fictional language spoken by the Sarkic Cults(Nälkä) in the SCPF universe. Adytite is supposed to be an old Uralic language that is distantly related to Finnish, Estonian, and Hungarian. In this song, I was aiming to create something that sounded like a dialect of Adytite spoken by a small Nälkän community situated in Karjala(Karelia). I cross referenced a lot of the words in the lyrics with modern Finnish vocab, the Proto-Uralic database, and the Adytite Language article on the mainsite - I also took some Adytite words that were in OriCat's Klavigar Tales(link below). Still, I don't have a good enough grasp of linguistics to make the whole thing "grammatically correct", or so to speak, so the lyrics won't really make sense if you listen too close to them. Thanks to everyone that checked this out! - ???? Credits ???? Music / Image by me (niram): http://twitter.com/sone_suraas http://www.scpwiki.com/niram-art http://naelyati.tumblr.com ???? Sarkicism Hub is authored by Metaphysician: http://www.scpwiki.com/sarkicism-hub ???? Supplemental Tales that inspired this song: http://www.scpwiki.com/sarkic-case-study-01-the-vas-n-a-of-sarvi http://www.scpwiki.com/elae http://www.scpwiki.com/tuae http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/poisoned-honey - License CC-BY-SA 3.0
[SCP Foundation / Sarkicism] Nälkän Chant #02 "Chant of Life",Music,fantasy,sarkicism,sarkic,grand karcist ion,folk music,dark music,dark fantasy,chant,scp foundation,scp,"And in sorrow, and in love, we become one - we are the new flesh that will usurp the old. And end this Cosmic Blasphemy once and for all. I hold truth as a flame - may it burn away your falsehoods." ???? Quote from An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 01: The Vaśńa of Sarvi http://www.scpwiki.com/sarkic-case-study-01-the-vas-n-a-of-sarvi ───────────── A song about the Ur-Nälkän view on life. About deer, worms, and how living forever is incomparably better than dying because what waits after death is far worse and stuff like that.... Also thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive response on Chant #01! Hopefully I'll have the time and energy to create more of these songs! ───────────── About the Language: The language I am singing in does not exist in the real world. The lyrics are supposed to be in a Finnic dialect of Adytite(Ämärangnä), a fictional language spoken by the Sarkic Cults(Nälkä) in the SCPF universe. Adytite, in universe, is an old Uralic language that is thus related to Finnish, Estonian, and Hungarian. ───────────── ???? Credits ???? Music / Vocals / Image by me (Niram): http://twitter.com/sone_suraas http://www.scpwiki.com/niram-art http://naelyati.tumblr.com ???? Sarkicism Hub is authored by Metaphysician: http://www.scpwiki.com/sarkicism-hub ???? Supplemental Tales that inspired this song: An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 01: The Vaśńa of Sarvi by Metaphysician http://www.scpwiki.com/sarkic-case-study-01-the-vas-n-a-of-sarvi Elä by OriCat http://www.scpwiki.com/elae Ever, Only, All by OriCat http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ever-only-all ───────────── License CC-BY-SA 3.0
музыкальное видео,SCP,фэндомы,Саркицизм,SCP СвОр,Связанные организации
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Очень красивый голос и звучание
Скачал и буду слушать теперь постоянно. Шедевр же. Слава Иону Спасителю!
Зашёл в хаб саркицизма у англиков а там комменты по типу "бля много читать, сложна", какой ужас.
сколько нынче фолкоф развилось
Японцы так не плохо сочиняют песни на вымышленных языках.

Про ост созданного в бездне надо заметить что там язык не придуманный а просто красивая тарабарщина
Я уже подумал в Ведьмаке бой начался.
Если бы не описание, то я бы подумал что это миньоны поют.
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